Gardener Cat Statue
List Price: $104.00
Your Price: $84.95
You Save: $19.05 (18 %)
Item Number: 19585
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Concrete Finishes*
How wondrous is this young gardener cat as he upholds the spade he bears and bears pride to protect his yard with utmost care and love. Our young gardener cat will surely add some whimsical fun to the lawn and garden of an avid gardener. Cast stone and concrete mix. Dimensions: 10.5"H Weight: 17 lbs Normally ships in 1-2 weeks.
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Cat Fun Facts
Did you know that cats have their own way of showing their affection to you? One of the ways cats seek your attention is by head bunting. This is a situation when the cat may press its head hard on your chin or cheek sometimes rubbing its fur on your lips and face. When the cat does that, what it is really asking for in return is for you to give it one of those wonderful head or neck scratches. Another thing worthy of note is that when you cat gets this close to you, it really means that it trusts you a lot. This is a way it knows to bond with you and is a tender moment because it is a time when it seeks comfort from you.