Little Garden Turtle
List Price: $85.00
Your Price: $69.50
You Save: $15.50 (18 %)
Item Number: 10328NW
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Our little turtle seems ready to spend its time in your garden. The turtle figurine comes beautifully detailed, a nice gift idea for the turtle lover. Cast stone and concrete aggregates. Dimensions: 4"H x 6.5"W x 10.5"D Weight: 5.5 lbs Normally ships in 1-2 weeks.
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See Concrete Finishes Available
Turtle Facts
There are about seven species of sea turtles. Of these, the most commonly eaten sea turtle is the green sea turtle which can grow up to 5 ft and live for about 80 years. However, other turtles like the loggerheads, olive ridleys, and the occasional hawksbills and leatherbacks are also eaten by humans in other parts of the world. Perhaps, more control needs to be organized to deter humans consuming sea turtles given the recent study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Health. It has been found that sea turtle eggs from green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) and olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) from the Pacific coast of Panama may contain heavy metal amounts which could cause health problems in people who consume them.